
Jax bike is a bike store in Jacksonville Florida. The store buys bikes from the industries. The costumers purchase the bikes in person. Bike Jax app enables the store to add any new item they want to display for sale. It allows the customers to buy the bikes online after they got satisfied with the products available to gather with their description. this project was as a part of a career foundry web development course, as it helps in demonstrating the skills, I gained from the course materials. I decided to develop this app to demonstrate the positive impact of e-commerce in our life that’s to enable the customers to check on the available bikes' types with their descriptions and prices without visiting the sore in person. If it happens, they like any of the bikes they can purchase it online with the help of this app, and it also enables the customers to comment and rate the bike they bought.

Tools Used

* Ruby for Backend Development.

* Ruby on Rails MVC Pattern.

* Stripe Payment Processing.

* Redis Technologies.

* HTML & CSS .

* Bootstrap.

* Javascript& jQuery.

* PostgreSQL Database

Project Scope

The scope of the project was to design and develop an e-commerce app from scratch to enable the Jax bike store to run their business online and to enable customers to view, purchase, rate, and comment on the product they bought. This would require implementation of frontend and backend development technologies in addition to stripe payment processing


functional testing:

My requests were not passing all the filters on my controllers and I was not getting a full HTTP response back. I did research about functional testing, tried out so many tutorials and contacted my mentor. finally, I was able to get all the tests green.

Included features:

* User Authentication

* Admin Role (Authorisation)

* Action Cable Realtime Comments

* Responsive design

* Redis product views ticker

* Product Rating

* Stripe payments


products Page


login Page


contact page

contact us

purchasing page



  • click here to visit the app
  • click here to visit my Git Hub